
Help Us

Even Albert Einstein needed to reach out to Marcel Grossmann to help build a model for gravity along the way. No one can do it alone, and there is more work to be done! In the world of science, this theory is not yet complete.

If you want to help, let us know by contacting us here! Some of what is still needed is:

  • The calculations must be specified that determine the change in direction for fundamental units.
  • A search to see if there is a coordinate system where all coordinates are equidistant from one another with at least 12 possible directions must be put together.
  • A smaller scale simulation of the model must be created and executed.
  • Detailed explanations of other theories, concepts and experiments in science must be explained using this model. Some of these include:
    • Planck’s Experiment
    • The double slit experiment
    • Schrodinger’s cat
    • Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
    • Special Relativity
    • General Relativity
    • Dark Matter
    • Creation of the cell
    • Evolution
  • In addition to proving the theory by applying it to existing work, we also need help using this theory to help achieve many goals in humanity. Some of these include:
    • Curing cancer
    • Extending life
    • Providing clarity to morality questions